Posted in Writer's Corner

Never Underestimate…

Today’s prompt: Underestimate

Never underestimate…

The small.

The quiet.

The weak.

The kind of heart.

The easily influenced.

Why? Because the small can be bigger than the biggest, the quietest can say more than the loudest, the weak can be stronger than the strongest, the kind of heart can easily turn when hurt, and the easily influenced can just as easily become hard to influence.

Never underestimate the preconceived images of others, because they always have a way of surprising you.


Writer, former dancer, geek, nostalgia geek, Secretary by day, daughter, sister/in-law, girlfriend, aunt. Yankees and Giants fan, honorary Avenger (I have a pin, so it is official :-) ), MSTie, and Stargate, Thor, and Hello Kitty collector. And if you want to know anything about me:

2 thoughts on “Never Underestimate…

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