The Perfect Balance of Getting Work Done…And Getting Shuteye

Surely this is not a thing!

(Oh uniformed individual…it is a thing!!!!!!!)

I’ve seen some interesting ads on my Facebook sidebar – ads promoting back-to-school shopping for king-size beds in luxury hotels, unicorns that don’t have five-star ratings on Amazon, bedsheets for men (complete with women sleeping in them), and even an ad for textbooks with naked arse displayed in the ad.  The more bizarre and off-kilter something is, the more appealing it is for me to make it a blog post.

Like you didn’t already know this about me!


Refers to every strange sidebar ad I find…and spam comments about lack of fake boobs.

A few days ago, I happened upon another bizarre sidebar ad (which is the only thing that meets/exceeds my spam folder in bizarreness), and I spotted this choice product, which promotes the ultimate work-sleep balance.

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The Privacy Pop, or “The Nap Tent for Better Naps”!

I have nothing.

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It’s a tent, but it fits on your desk, and you can sleep in it on your lunchbreak!

$54.99, and you too can do what throwing a blanket over your head can also accomplish for much less.

But you don’t want some cheap solution, you want a tent for your desk!

You want this!

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