It’s Not Wise To Fool With #MothersDay Advertising

But why shouldn’t we?

Old Timey print ads don’t just get the Father’s Day treatment around here.

Because that would be unfair to moms everywhere, wouldn’t it?

Happy Mother’s Day moms, grandmas, aunts, and mom-like people!

Hope you are having a wonderful day that involves lots of love and praise from your child/children, grandchild/grandchildren, nieces and nephews, furbabies, and the “like your own children” people in your life.  You don’t have to just be a mom for Mother’s Day, but it probably does help.

I myself am not a mom in the traditional sense.  I don’t have kids, but I do have a furbaby, my boyfriend’s Chihuahua, Daisy.


She lives to drive and ride in cars.  You can totally tell from this photo.

I’m also an aunt to the two-year-old who actually gets to ride around in this Cozy Coupe, and you can totally tell that there is, in fact, a small child who uses this.  We don’t just have it because a cute little dog loves it.

That would be so silly!

Wouldn’t it be?

Moving on…

If print advertisements of yesterday have anything to say about how the fairer sex has progressed, we’re not all couch-dwelling, chocolate-eating, baby factories. The woman’s place is not just in the kitchen, but also in the workplace.  You’d never know that from these ads though, and it is perhaps a good thing that times have changed.

Though I wouldn’t mind the chocolate-eating part. That I could do all day.

If you read this morning’s teaser post, then there will be an element of this article that looks very familiar.  All answers will come to you.

Anyway, moms.  Onward with them!

Old Gold Chocolates


Because those money grubbers at Whitman’s don’t know moms like we at Old Gold do!

Kentucky Fried Chicken


“But dad, it isn’t May, it is December!”

“But any day can be Mother’s Day, sez Da Colonel!”

Yes, do it for Mother’s sake.  She toiled all day for perfect food, and you give her fried chicken!

Gibson (Mother’s Day Cards)


Give mom the card that makes her check to see if it is Hallmark.  Then give the kids a kiss and tell them “You’ll do better next year.”

Hero Measure Knit


Don’t just give mom knitting needles, give mom knitting needles with the ruler right on them!  Do it for MOM!

Pyrex Ware


Don’t give her Corning, she is liable to cry in the bathroom all day.  You don’t want to make mom cry, do you?


Bobby’s perfume won’t be as important as that pitcher of Kool-Aid he knows he – I mean his mom – will enjoy.

It’s for mom!


And then there is The Battle of Peggy and Jim:


Peggy: Mine took longer to make!

Jim: But mom likes Kool-Aid better!  So she will like my efforts better!

Sibling rivalry.

Whitman’s Sampler


Dear Old Gold, we hear you.  And we raise you our finest sampler.  Do you have different chocolates in your box?  I think not!


Well, Whitman’s is a sentient object, so it can neither forget nor remember.  Dad, on the other hand…

I love that Mother’s Day was on May 14th whatever year this was!

Chiffon Margarine


She’s not just a mother, she’s Mother Nature.  And giving her anything but Chiffon Margarine would be unwise.  Because it is unwise to fool with Mother Nature.

She could destroy you, and she is well within her rights.  After all, you gave her…Country Crock!  Or…I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!

Or even worse…


*Scratches head*

You want eternal damnation by forever winter, don’t you?

And like Mother Nature, it is never wise to piss off mom, especially on Mother’s Day.  So, stop reading this and give her some attention already.  Or, if you’re mom…stop reading this and go enjoy that family of yours.  It is over, you can stop now.

Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂

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