Allison’s Vinyl Words!

Their Written, but they’re on Vinyl!


I recently got into the fun of crafting for the purpose of decorating my home by buying a Cricut Air Explore 2.  So far, I’m having a blast with it, creating crafty decorations, honing my skills, and aspiring to make beautiful things I can gift and perhaps (someday – lofty goal) sell.

Here are some of the things I’ve made for myself so far!

I made this for the top of my Cricut…


Writer’s Block (what is that?!) be damned – this is over my computer desk!


It’s one thing to be inspired, one must…be creative too!

I have this one over my art desk!


The name of the place…


…and the contents of such a place!


And a certain princess who longed to be “part of our world.”


My goal is that as I work on more projects, I’ll publish some more posts of my efforts. I have some ideas and experiments I want to try with crafting – I’m also making my own stencils and painting, so the possibilities are endless.

Have you tried any Cricut machine, and have some good advice for me?  I’d love to hear about your crafty moments!

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