#FlashbackFriday, Easter Bunny!

Happy Good Friday (if you celebrate it), readers and followers!

We’re now at the end of Lent, and those of us Catholics who spend our lives as carnivores are happy to know that next Friday, we can go back to eating meat. If you’re anything like me, it’s the most Catholic thing you do all year.  Don’t judge, it’s the one rule of religion I follow, besides loving thy neighbor (though coveting to kick them for annoying me).

But enough of that!

Anyway, Sunday is Easter, and with it, we celebrate the OTHER important part of the holiday…getting candy from a rabbit!  And as these kids are all too happy to proclaim, the Easter Bunny has been very, very good to them!

Today’s Flashback Friday returns to the magical year of 1988 (Surprise!) after spending Thursday thrown back to the not-too-distant-in-the-past 2003, to thank the Easter Bunny for our M&M’s!

This commercial is a whole crop of really cute kids all with the same message…and all because of M&M’s!

And by clicking play, you can hear their delight over getting M&M’s in their baskets!

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Given the choice, I’d rather have that bunny!

And there you have it, a bunch of cute kids believing in the magic of Easter, and of a bunny that brings tasty treats in bags!

On behalf of this one-woman team at Allison’s Written Words (and her wonderful contributor!), Happy Easter! 🙂

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Try not to act depressed over not getting any, young man.  Steal one from your sister – she won’t mind. 😀



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