The Daily Post Writing Prompt – Competition

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Competition.”

What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?

I’m actually not competitive by nature.  While I always strive to do better, I’d rather not compete against others.  I did have someone earlier this year believe they were in heated competition with me over a music video contest at a convention I attend, when in truth, I wasn’t competing with him.  The prize was a $100 gift certificate to use at the convention – he won for the third year in a row, and my two-time winning streak ended.  He made sure to rub it in (in his own special and annoying way) that he won, and “oh well, you tried.”

And that’s why hate competing, hence, I don’t have a competitive streak.

But I’m sure I could beat the pants off of him in writing any day of the week.  😉

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