Couples Story

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒!!! Share your story!!

Where you met: Chicago (Rosemont) at a Stargate Convention (first briefly in 2014, then we actually started talking in 2015)
First date: Movies (seeing RiffTrax Live – Miami Connection in two different theaters), but in person a month later (November 2015). We went to The Historic Village of Smithville (a local touristy town) and walked around.  Made it official less than two weeks later.
How many years together: A little over four years (November 30, 2015); married seven months (June 15, 2019)
Age difference: Seven months (I’m older)
Who was interested first: Him, but I thought he was cute and super nice.  I was nervous about being in a relationship.
Who is taller: James (5’9″)
Who said I love you first: I think I did.  I don’t say it until I know it is the right time, and it was the right time.
Worst temper: Me.  He’s pretty even-keeled and says he has worked hard to be that way.
Most sensitive: Definitely me.
Most crazy: Me?
Loudest: We’re both loud!
Most stubborn: We’re very set in our ways (the perks of being in your thirties before you meet and marry).  I am not sure either of us are really “stubborn” per se.
Falls asleep first: Me, and usually without realizing it.
Cooks better: Him!  I love his cooking!
Better morning person: Me, but I’m not that much of a morning person.
Best driver: Him (I don’t drive)
Most competitive: Neither of us (I’ve never been competitive, and I don’t find him to be either)

And a picture?


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