The Incredible Edible #ThrowbackThursday

…is delicious!

This week’s theme focuses on classic kid-related foodstuff commercials from the early 1990s that we all remember.  Hopefully, you remember them as fondly as I do!

Today’s commercial pick, from 1990, comes from a time when cholesterol was a panic trigger, leading to commercials for cereal and other products full of fiber as a means to tackle the Cholesterol Crisis of the Late 1980s.  The product featured in this commercial has the distinction of being on both sides of the hot button cholesterol debate – are they good for you, versus are they not good for you.

The American Egg Board looked to turn the misconceptions of the worried masses around, by reminding them of the health benefits of eating eggs.  These kid-friendly commercials, called Wisecracks, have children telling us why eggs are good for them…according to their (unseen) parent.


Today’s commercial featured an early 1990s animated boy telling us what his dad told him about eggs, and why he should be eating them!

Even his dog loves them!

But to find out WHY there is benefit to eating eggs (according to dad), click play!

The American Egg Board was established in 1975 as a marketing organization, whose purpose is to tote the benefit of eggs to the consumer market.  Their slogan “The Incredible, Edible Egg” has been part of their marketing efforts since 1976.


Personally, I love eggs – I eat them scrambled (with a little bit of butter, following the recipe my husband got from watching Gordon Ramsay, sans sour cream) and hard boiled, and they’re usually my go-to breakfast on weekends, topped with a tiny bit of salt and a slightly more generous amount of pepper.  So good!

In 1993, “The Incredible, Edible Egg” took a backseat to The American Egg Board’s “I love eggs” campaign (which ran until 1997), and 1998’s “If it ain’t eggs, it ain’t breakfast.  I love eggs.”  But, “The Incredible, Edible Egg” still goes on, and so does the debate about eggs.

That “Fiber Everything” Debate didn’t last nearly as long.  But it is just as memorable.

Do you remember these commercials, and the whole debate on the healthiness of eggs, as well as that whole fiber thing?  I certainly do!  I’d love to hear from you if you remember these commercials!

Tomorrow, another memorable kid-geared foodstuff commercial that tries to tout some type of health benefit!  If you’re a 90s kid born in the 80s, you will definitely remember this one!

Until then, have a great Throwback Thursday!



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