Mixing Media

This week’s Discover Challenge: Mixing Media

I’ll get this out of the way, I am not an artsy type of girl (I’ve written about my non-artsy ways before).  I have this mind that can conceive of an amazing idea (related: Practice Makes Perfect?) but something happens between my brain and my fingertips that results in a disastrous delivery of the mind.  While I’m great with colors (picking them, matching them), I can’t apply any type of art skills with those colors.  Unless I’m painting or coloring something predetermined, forget it, I just can’t make my mind work.

One of my favorite talents involves editing videos – I’m not professional at it, but I love to create music videos using music and video that are unrelated.  I love having a vision, executing it, and seeing how it all falls into place.  You’d think this was an art form, and it sorta is, but it is much cleaner, and to me, much more fun than art.

I recently made this with 1960s robot toys and Styx music.  It’s pretty funny.

I recently discovered another talent I didn’t even know I had – GIPHY making!  I know this isn’t a difficult talent, but creating a quick moving image requires timing to capture the perfect ah-ha moment.  GIPHY magic can do what a photo or a video cannot.  I’ve created a pretty cool gallery of GIPHY magic for some of my articles (visit my gallery!)

I was recently watching an old childhood cartoon on You Tube (Cricket’s Clubhouse) that I felt was prime for GIPHY magic, so I made a few.



I also made one featuring one of those Cabbage Patch Kid dolls that eats the plastic food…and human hair.



Dancing GIFs are even more fun, especially when you capture the exact moment you need:

giphy (6)giphy (2)

And waterslides with dropping floors? Yes please!

giphy (3)

I use GIPHY magic to enhance articles where pictures may fall short, but also to add humorous moments to my lighter pieces.  If you ever want to give it a try, may I recommend GIPHY? The site is super user-friendly and you can download your finished products to your computer, or register (for free!) and create a gallery of moving photos!

Find a video link, copy and paste, and make the magic happen! 🙂


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