Allison's Written Words

Yeah, #FlashbackFriday ‘s Got That!


Great deals on office supplies, or a way to reunite twins separated at birth?

Yesterday, on Throwback Thursday, we resolved the dilemma of being the cost-consciencious office manager/office supply buyer.  We met Linda, and watched the wheels turn on keeping track of what people use, while seeing the office supply closet of my dreams!

*Heavenly music*

Today on Flashback Friday, in a commercial from 1998 (several months after yesterday’s commercial), we hear the Staples tale of Eileen and Stella, Staples Manager and Office Manager (respectively)…

…separated at birth and brought together by a chance reunion…

When you click play!

Well, that was quite the twist, don’t you think?

Perhaps one day, Eileen and Stella will meet again.  Perhaps it will not be because of a hole puncher of great value.  If we’re classic overthinkers, we’ll believe this to be possible.

But, for the rest of us….

It’s merely a Staples commercial.

Yeah, you’ve got that – office supplies.  Not sibling reunions.

Oh well.

And hey, at least we know Staples is still in business.  I’m not talking about a now-defunct company.  That’s a plus, right?

Thanks, as always, for stopping by and reading up my latest offering, we close the book on another week and another trip into the archives!

Have a great day, and a great weekend! 🙂

