Class of 2001

I felt nostalgic to do one of these. 😉

Class of: 2001

1. Did you know your current love? No

2. Type of car? None.

3. What kind of job? People greeter at Paul Harris at the mall in December 2000, Daycare worker beginning in April 2001.

4. Where did you live? Little Egg Harbor, NJ

5. Were you popular? No

6. Were you in choir or band? Neither

7. Did you play any sports? Not at school, but I was taking dance class (Jazz and Ballet)

8. Ever get suspended? No way

9. If you could go back would you? No, I’m happy with my life now.  I went to my 10th Year Class Reunion, and I’ll go to my 20th – events like that are fine, but high school in general?  No way!

10. Still talk to the person that you went to prom with? No.

11. Did you skip school? Senior Cut Day only!  My mom had a nightmare that my brother and I wouldn’t graduate because of it.  I’m sure the school looked at me getting straight A’s in the fourth marking period when they made the decision to let me graduate, not that I cut on the same day 200 other people did.

12. Go to all the Football games? No.

13. Favorite subject? I had a creative and formal writing class senior year that really got me interested in writing.

14. Do you still have your yearbook? Yes.

15. Did you follow the “original” career path? No, my B.A. is in Communication Studies. I do write (it was part of what I wanted to do with my degree), but I’m not anchoring the evening news, working as a reporter, or behind the scenes.  I’ve been an Administrative Professional for 14 years.

16. Do you still have your high class ring? No, I was always so terrified of losing rings (how I wear wedding and engagement rings with that fear is beyond me).  I also wasn’t interested in owning something I wouldn’t wear after I graduated.

17. Who was your favorite teacher? I don’t remember who my favorite teacher was in 12th grade.  Most of my favorite teachers were in elementary school.  One of my favorites that I remember always enjoying the class was my 10th grade U.S. History teacher, Mr. Bradley.  He was so much fun!

18. What was your style? Geek.  That wasn’t cool in 2001.  I love and hate that “geek” is so mainstream these days, because it was so hard having to be one in high school.

19. Favorite shoes? My black l.e.i. loafers.  They were so comfortable and I wore them all winter long.  The only time I hated them was when I had to go through the “D” Wing to get to the annex building for my Child Development class, and they made this horrible squeak on the floor that I swore the whole school could hear.  Oh to be eighteen and the biggest worry was that everyone could hear you coming!  Eighteen-year-old me should hear me in flip flops at my last job!

20. Favorite thing to eat for lunch? Tater tots, but I put on some weight in 12th grade (boy if 18-year-old me could see 37-year-old me, she’d say I am fat!), so I started packing my own lunches.  Skippy Doubly Delicious (chocolate chip peanut butter) on whole wheat became my favorite.

21. Favorite Band/Singer? Bon Jovi – me and my friend Kristin were obsessed!

22.Hair in high school? Light brown and slightly past my shoulders, with bangs.  I started coloring my hair in 11th grade.  I was still dancing at the time, so as many times as I would have loved to cut it into a bob, I couldn’t with dance class (I took Ballet, so I had to have a bun).  I kept my hair “status quo” because I wasn’t bold enough to stand out.  (I’ve rebelled plenty since then with bobs and pixie cuts.)

23. What cologne/perfume? I think I was still wearing this stuff from The GAP that my mom bought for me in 10th grade – GAP Heaven!

24. How old when you graduated? 18 years old, 4 months before I turned 19.



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