Posted in Writer's Corner


Today’s one word prompt: learning.

What a great writing prompt.

I’m one of those people that if given the opportunity, I’d be a student for life.  I love to learn. I’m always learning how to improve my writing, how to set my blog up to look as professional (which keeping it tuned to my personality), learning about nostalgia (being a type of archaeologist is an education in itself), learning about topics I’d like to write about, and about ways to improve in my day job.  I consider any moment where someone can give me something beneficial as a learning moment or “teaching” point.

Learning from the past, learning from one’s mistakes, learning for the love of learning, acquiring new skills, modifying or improving upon what we’ve previously learned, and being the best possible and most well-informed we could possibly be.




Writer, former dancer, geek, nostalgia geek, Secretary by day, daughter, sister/in-law, girlfriend, aunt. Yankees and Giants fan, honorary Avenger (I have a pin, so it is official :-) ), MSTie, and Stargate, Thor, and Hello Kitty collector. And if you want to know anything about me:

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