Posted in Writer's Corner


Today’s one-word prompt: Deprive

I really don’t like these negative words for writing prompts, but since I “deprived” myself (voluntarily) of writing this weekend, I need the proverbial jog to get my brain going on this Monday morning.

See what I did there?

To deprive someone is to withhold or deny something, whether it is the use or possession of.  That’s the most obvious meaning, but I actually found a more archaic definition of deprive.

How’s this one for you:

“depose (someone, especially a member of the clergy) from office.”

I’d never heard it used that way, so not only did I get my brain going, and cleared the mental cobwebs of taking the weekend off from writing, I learned an old-fashioned definition for “deprive.”

I can never say I deprive myself of information I’ll only need once.

Again, do you see what I did there?!


Writer, former dancer, geek, nostalgia geek, Secretary by day, daughter, sister/in-law, girlfriend, aunt. Yankees and Giants fan, honorary Avenger (I have a pin, so it is official :-) ), MSTie, and Stargate, Thor, and Hello Kitty collector. And if you want to know anything about me:

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