I’m An “Author”

Actually, I’m a writer/creative genius with untapped potential.

I spotted this on Facebook.  Couldn’t help myself and break this one down.



  1. Who said I’m not Jessica Fletcher?  I mean, my name is Allison Venezio, but that could be my pen name?  Haha, joke’s on you, my name is…oh wait.
  2. Yep, I roll in the dough I don’t see…because it’s deposited in my checking account.  I earned it at my day job.  Take that society, I’m not a paid author!!!!
  3. Actually, he knows I don’t sit on my butt all day and act bitter.  That’s what my ex does!
  4. Yep, I totally don’t write crap like Twilight.  I write crap about things people have never actually heard of.  I’ll probably write about some lesser-known vampire or werewolf movie at some point, don’t you worry!
  5. Me at 10:30 pm when I’ve worked all day.  By the way, that’s how I get all my ideas.  Osmosis via my forehead on my keyboard.
  6. All day long, especially when I’m at work and have a great idea and couldn’t possibly jot it down, because well, something more important requires my attention.

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