The Bell Atlantic Yellow Pages #ThrowbackThursday / #FlashbackFriday Crossover Special!


#ThrowbackThursday Wants You to Trust The Book

#FlashbackFriday Also Wants You To Trust The Book

A few weeks ago, Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday’s common theme was the Bell Atlantic Yellow Pages, as promoted by pitchmen David Leisure (as a Joe Friday-type), and and James Earl Jones (as…James Earl Jones). They trusted The Book, and they wanted you to be one of the 9 out of 10 people who used it…and trusted it.

So what happens when our two pitchmen meet and plug The Book?

Well, it’s not exactly world colliding, but it’s pretty awesome.

In a nostalgic way.

Oh come on, there isn’t really any way to describe it!

Just watch, you’ll see.

Just the facts.  And nothing but.

Have a great weekend!

The Book.  Trust it.



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