Posted in Everything Else...

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Circle

In response to this week’s photo challenge, “Circle“:


I tend to harken back to my visit to the Franklin Institute in April 2015 for much of my inspiration for these photo challenges, but seriously, there were circles involved, and well, theme and all.

These circles were in the Institute’s brain section, which was a newly-added permanent exhibit.  I walked into this one room, where you stepped on the circles, therefore stimulating the “brain.”  I was alone in the area at the time, and just the idea of stepping on these circles (as you were supposed to) and lighting them up (the intended result) was just fascinating to me.  I’m 33 years old (32 at the time), and I decided to let my inhibitions loose and jumped on each circle, trying to not land on the floor.  The simplest thing – about the most complex thing in the world, and human body – made me so happy.


Writer, former dancer, geek, nostalgia geek, Secretary by day, daughter, sister/in-law, girlfriend, aunt. Yankees and Giants fan, honorary Avenger (I have a pin, so it is official :-) ), MSTie, and Stargate, Thor, and Hello Kitty collector. And if you want to know anything about me:

One thought on “Daily Post Photo Challenge – Circle

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