Posted in Everything Else..., The Daily Post

Daily Post Writing Prompt – November 5, 2015: Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.”

While I love the train and the scenery that comes with it, for me, the length of the trip determines the method of transportation. I have regularly taken the train to Philadelphia (approximately an hour from where I live) for the last ten years, and even have taken it to New York City by way of Philadelphia (a three-hour trip one way, if you count both trains).  For trips that will take in excess of seven hours or more by train, I prefer to fly.

So, roundabout, give me the train when possible! 🙂


Writer, former dancer, geek, nostalgia geek, Secretary by day, daughter, sister/in-law, girlfriend, aunt. Yankees and Giants fan, honorary Avenger (I have a pin, so it is official :-) ), MSTie, and Stargate, Thor, and Hello Kitty collector. And if you want to know anything about me:

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